
It is our kindergarten policy to promote a safe and supportive environment for all students. Our psychological care processes are carefully designed and reviewed regularly to provide support and care for all students. Support staff and selected academic staff have regular First Aid training. We have a designated Clinic in the kindergarten which can be accessed by students as needed for First Aid treatment.

The medical information on all students is required annually from parents/guardians in order that the kindergarten appropriately caters for students during normal kindergarten activities. Additional information will be sought for participation in excursions and trips. New health problems, any changes to the condition, medication or special requirements must be given to the kindergarten immediately.

The Kindergarten Clinic is staffed by First Aid qualified nurses.

Clinic opening hours:

8:00 to 16:00 Monday to Friday

As a kindergarten, we promote good health to our students and have very clear guidelines on when a child should not come to kindergarten due to illness. We know that young children are often in close proximity to each other so please be reassured that we are very conscientious of our students’ health and do all we can to reduce the risk of illnesses spreading.

As a kindergarten, we exclude all students who have a temperature above 37.34 degrees Celsius and ask that they remain at home until they have been fever-free for 48 hours without medication. Any student who has gastric symptoms (vomiting or diarrhoea) must also be kept home until they have been symptom-free. This reduces the risks of these infections being passed on to others. There are also specific exclusion times set out by the Health Bureau for other common infectious childhood illnesses, and the Clinic will monitor that these are followed. When a common infectious childhood illness occurs during term time, we send out letters to the specific year groups affected, reminding parents to be vigilant. In these instances, additional deep cleaning of the kindergarten environment will also be organised.

If a child becomes unwell during the kindergarten day or sustains an injury, teachers bring the children into the Clinic. Clinic staff will carry out any necessary first aid and then parents will be contacted if the child requires further medical attention from a doctor or hospital. In the case of an injury to their head or another serious condition, parents will be contacted immediately.

If a student is injured or ill and will not be able to attend specific classes or participate in specific activities, it is essential that a doctor’s note is brought in to explain the reason. Harrow Little Lions Zhuhai expects full student participation in all classes and activities and verbal communication from parents will not be sufficient.

In order to ensure proper hygiene and health:

  • We encourage children to wash their hands frequently and drink water throughout the morning/day
  • We ensure that we have the knowledge about food allergies or medical issues of our children
  • When children have fevers or are on medication, we ensure that the children will remain at home before they are fully recovered
  • If your child is well enough to be in Kindergarten, then we would usually expect them to also join all kindergarten activities including PE and outdoor activities
  • To prevent the spread of the disease, we ask that you keep your children at home until they recover.

To avoid confusion, here is the definition of a “healthy child”:

A Healthy Child

• Is not dependent on baby paracetamol cold/flu medicine

• Has no fever-like symptoms

• Is able to participate in all kindergarten activities

• Has normal appetite

• Is happy and sociable

• Has no need for additional staff support

• Has normal bowel function